by mecegypt mecegypt

How it all began

2009 Formation of the company by Castolin Switzerland

2010 Joining hands with Messer cutting systems

2012 Castolin Switzerland transferred shareholding to Messer Eutectic Castolin Germany

2015 Messer Eutectic Castolin transferred the board of management from Germany to Castolin Dubai

2020 Global sale of Castolin GmbH to Paragon investments

2021 Takeover of MEC EG by independent investors

MEC EG from its humble beginnings in 2009 has come a long way and is today a leader in its Industry. The various collaborations with world leaders makes the company a unique organization bringing technology and adding it with our on the ground support and experience to establish it in today’s industry along with helping its customers with those technologies.

To our name we have several records of our industry and we are looking forward to establish some more similar records in times to come